After completing the Foundation Puppy Class, we decided to start doing the next stage which is The Kennel Club Good Citizen Dog Scheme - Bronze Award
The aim of The Kennel Club Good Citizen Dog Scheme - Bronze Award is to produce a dog that will walk and behave in a controlled manner on the lead, will stay in one position on command, will allow its owner to clean, groom and inspect the dog, a dog that will walk and behave in a happy natural manner, stay under control on the lead. The dog must also come to hand when called.
Peggy completed her Bronze Award Exam on the 15th November and PASSED!!!
Part of the class is to make sure you have the required items for having a dog such as:
Poop Scoop (poo-bags)
Collar & Identification tag to comply with the law
To walk on lead
Control at door/gate
Controlled walk amongst people and dogs
Stay on lead for one minute
Examination of the dog
Return to handler
Responsibly and Care